Home Where & When Art Ansel Adams: An American Perspective

Ansel Adams: An American Perspective

Opens Saturday, March 15

Even if you’ve never been to the Grand Canyon, Yosemite National Park or Canyon de Chelly, you know what they look like. The majesty of these and other natural treasures of the American West have been photographed and filmed for decades, and Ansel Adams set the standard. Perhaps the most recognized name in landscape photography (perhaps in American photography), Adams stamped out the genre in his rich and highly textural black-and-white photos of such pristine environs. The Oklahoma City Museum of Art opens Ansel Adams: An American Perspective on Saturday, March 15, with nearly 60 photos of his work from 1920 to 1965, including some of his best-known work. Also part of the collection are photos of American artist Georgia O’Keeffe and her husband, Alfred Stieglitz. The exhibit continues through June 1 at the museum, 415 Couch Dr., Oklahoma City. Ansel Adams coincides with another photography exhibit, Brett Weston: Land, Sea and Sky. Visit www.okcmoa.com for more.