The Native American experience is something that has often been overlooked by history books, news outlets and other media. Through Feb. 28, the University of Oklahoma’s Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History celebrates the culture of America’s indigenous people in an engaging exhibit that is enriching to the mind. The Collision and Creation: Indigenous Arts of the Americas exhibit highlights the ways in which colonialism has affected the Native American experience. The exhibitions focal point is the new purposes indigenous artists gave to raw materials and tools and their incorporations of a broad range of design elements. The harsh realities of European settlers nurtured new forms of artistic expression and brought together a unique mixture of materials and ideas that has influenced the history and the future of Native American art. Pieces feature beadwork, ribbon work, woven mats, baskets, ceramics, basketry, boots, a canoe and Inuit snow goggles. Many of the works are by native Oklahoma artists. The exhibition is part of the University of Oklahoma’s 125th anniversary celebration. Admission is $5-$8. For more information about the exhibit, visit www.samnoblemuseum.ou.edu.