Friday, Sept. 11 and Saturday, Sept. 12 –
In this multimedia production by Cloud Eye Control, a Los Angeles-based group, the audience is given an opportunity to explore the nervous fear felt in the wake of natural or man-made disasters through Miwa Matreyek, Anna Oxygen and Chi-wang Tang’s interpretations. On stage, animation, music, theater, video and more media will bring audiences into Cloud Eye Controls mind and focus. The performance is free to the public as part of Living Art’s New Genre Arts Festival XXII-B, which continues to bring new works to Tulsa. Other Saturday New Genre presentations include a Mark Wittig performance at 6:15 p.m. and I’m Fine by Sarah Hill at 7 p.m., both at Living ArtSpace. From 1-4 p.m., a Cloud Eye Control Adult Workshop, Using Multi-Media in Performance, will be offered at Living ArtSpace. For more information, visit www.livingarts.org.