Thursday, June 26-Sunday, June 29
For 40 years, the Muscogee (Creek) Nation has held a summer festival to celebrate its tribal heritage, identity and culture. Just as in years past, the tribe hopes everyone will join the fun at this weekend’s Mvskoke Nation Festival. The core of the festival begins at 6 p.m. Thursday, June 26, with a stomp dance. Look for arts and crafts vendors, the all-Indian rodeo, children’s fair, golf tournament, cornstalk shooting and cultural demonstrations through Saturday, June 28. Kix Brooks and Diamond Rio take the festival stage Friday night, while Buddy Guy and The Jacksons play Saturday night. Also look for an appearance from R.J. and Jay Paul Molinere from History Channel’s Swamp People. All events are free, open to the public and held at the tribe’s Claude Cox Omniplex, 555 Tank Farm Road, in Okmulgee. See a complete festival schedule at www.creekfestival.com.