Asher Anand Patel 

Holland Hall

Attending: Brown University 

Intended major: International and Public Affairs through Brown’s Watson Institute! I know that I want to work as a civil servant when I’m older, and this concentration will help me analyze topics like security and development across both foreign and domestic lenses.

Biggest influence: My student council advisor, Mrs. Philippa Kelly. Over four years of Holland Hall Student Council and our partnership on the Oklahoma Association of Student Councils’ District Level, she had a great impact on my character and ability to lead large groups toward an event or project. From her I learned about servant leadership, long term large-scale planning, and how to best serve a community. 

I would trade places for one day with: The President of the United States, because I can only imagine how many things are packed in their day. While the experience would surely be overwhelming, I’d love to see the true inner workings of our nation!

Hobbies and passions: Athletically, I enjoy distance running and competed in both cross country and track throughout high school, earning 6 total varsity letters! For the arts, I dove into Holland Hall’s choir and theater programs, completing a total of 8 plays over my high school years. Through junior programs at local organizations like Emergency Infant Services and the Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma, I was introduced to service early on in high school and loved learning about the nonprofit advocacy side of this work!

Surprising fact: I love and have competed in the esport – competitive video game – Rocket League! Today, I compete on occasion through online tournaments and I coach peers at my school that have interest in earning placement on college teams or gaining scholarships.

Bonus tidbit: My high school cross-country running commitment was challenging because theater rehearsal and sports practice shared the same time slot. Although I could not run with my team for 90% of each season, my coach allowed me to compete if I ran solo workouts, maintaining my race times. Ultimately, I competed in four seasons, having to practice most often after rehearsal. During these periods, I averaged 11-hour school days – 7.5 hours of class, 2.5 hours of rehearsal and 1 hour of running.

Abby Feken

Riverfield Country Day School 

Attending: George Washington University

Intended major: International Business. Since I was young, I have traveled to many countries and thoroughly enjoyed immersing myself in the different environments and understanding the distinct cultures. Through a career in International Business, I hope to apply strategy and innovation to the business world while focusing on the culture of international companies. 

Biggest influence: My teachers Dr. Edwards and Miss James, and my mom. Dr. Edwards taught me the passion for learning through the analysis of narratives. Miss James encouraged me to push myself both academically and personally. My mom showed me that with passion and dedication, anything is possible.

Proudest achievement: Riverfield’s chapter of the National Honor Society had the unique opportunity to initiate a Valentine’s Service Day at Iron Gate. Seeing the community come together to support those in need was uplifting. I later received the Tim O’Halloran Award during graduation, an honor dedicated to a student who showcases leadership, character and citizenship.

I would trade places for one day with: Agatha Christie. I would love to see the vision of writing through her very own eyes and what calls her to psychological thrillers.

Twenty years down the line, I would like to be: Traveling around the world and eventually settling into a large city that can accommodate my ambitions with my own family.

Unique characteristics: I am someone who is adaptable to various environments and has always been curious about the world.

Hobbies and passions: I love reading, writing and being outside. 

Bonus tidbit: When I was younger, I truly believed Abby Cadabby from Elmo was inspired by me simply because we shared the same name!

Cydnee O’Hara

Mingo Valley Christian

Attending: Oklahoma State University

Intended major: Nursing, because I have seen how impactful their role is and how needed they are.

Biggest influence: My parents, because of how much they push me to be a better person, love me even when I mess up, and continually represent Christ through their beliefs.

Proudest achievement: Being cast as Maria in The Sound of Music. This was my dream role, as I was Gretl when I was in the second grade. I am so thankful for everyone that made this happen for me, especially my director Nate Madden who I respect dearly. 

Career plans: I am excited to explore all the different fields of nursing and see which specialty fits best for me.

I would trade places for one day with: My dog, because he just gets to stay home all day with no cares in the world!

Twenty years down the line, I would like to be: Married with kids and working as a registered nurse.

Unique characteristics: I think a characteristic that makes me stand out from other people my age is my willingness to work hard. Throughout high school I did so many activities while keeping up with my academics. I pushed myself, and it was challenging at times, but it was 100% worth it!

Hobbies and passions: I love participating in sports, such as volleyball, soccer and pom. I also love singing and going to random places with the people I love.

Surprising fact: I am afraid of butterflies!

Shilpi Bardhan

Jenks High School

Attending: Case Western Reserve University

Intended major: Applied Mathematics with a minor in Economics, Fintech and Artificial Intelligence. I’ve always loved math and its applications. Early in high school, I was exposed to the world of finance and developed a passion for business. I want to study the intricate mathematical concepts utilized in finance, as well as the capabilities of computing. I’m eager to explore the future possibilities at the intersection of these fields.

Biggest influence: Mrs. Lisa Sikes (sixth-grade math teacher), Mrs. Paula Dennis (school college counselor) and Dr. Justin McCrackin (human geography teacher). Each had a tremendous impact on the different paths I took over the past few years. 

Proudest achievement: For many years, my dream was to create a product of my own and receive funding for it. In the summer prior to my junior year, I received seed funding for one of my apps. The funding allowed me to purchase the necessary equipment and software to build my apps. Since then, I have developed several, some of which are currently going through beta testing prior to being published.

Career plans: I am interested in becoming a quantitative analyst, a profession where I can conduct research while creating mathematical models to analyze different markets and identify opportunities for investment and growth.

I would trade places for one day with: Mark Cuban! He has been someone I’ve admired for a long time. When I was very young, I started watching Shark Tank and saw him recognize the potential in people. 

Hobbies and passions: I enjoy traveling and hiking. Over the past year, I’ve picked up the practice of credit card point optimization, planning my trips to travel at minimal cost. I also have a passion for wildlife photography. On one of my most recent trips, I encountered wild monkeys and enjoyed photographing them from just five feet away as they approached our patio, capturing the intimate interactions of the troop.

Surprising fact: I am an extreme couponer! During the 2020 lockdown, I discovered ways to coupon digitally and from home. Since then, I’ve studied more about couponing and have accumulated a stockpile worth more than $8,000 in household items, which I was able to get for under $500.

Ella Newhouse

Cascia Hall Preparatory School 

Attending: University of Oklahoma

Intended major: Chemical Biosciences with a minor in Medical Humanities as a member of the Medical Humanities Scholars Program through the Honors College. Majoring in chemical biosciences allows me to pursue research opportunities throughout college while staying on the pre-med track. Minoring in medical humanities expands my education to an interdisciplinary outlook on medicine beyond STEM courses.

Biggest influence: My dad. He is the ultimate encourager, never failing to support any of my ambitions with fervent enthusiasm. 

Proudest achievement: Being named a 2024 U.S. Presidential Scholar by the Department of Education. When I received notification that I was a candidate for this prestigious award, I never assumed that I would go on to become one of two finalists in the state of Oklahoma. 

Career plans: I plan to pursue a career as a physician. As a part of the Medical Humanities Scholars Program, I have been granted provisional acceptance into the OU College of Medicine following my undergraduate studies. I couldn’t be more excited!

I would trade places for one day with: My mom. I admire her so much for the work she has done both in her career as a pediatrician and as a mother. 

Unique characteristics: I think my dedication to everything I undertake is a unique trait in comparison to many of my peers. I firmly believe that everything I commit to should be done with 100% effort, no matter how seemingly insignificant the task at hand may seem. 

Hobbies and passions: I have been a swimmer for nearly my entire life, competing for both Cascia Hall and Jenks Trojan Swim Club. Swimming taught me dedication, patience and perseverance. Out of the pool, I have a passion for service. I served as the president of Cascia Hall’s Key Club chapter this past school year. Additionally, I  was a member of the Youth Advisory Board and a frequent volunteer at Little Light House. 

Surprising fact: I am obsessed with watching football. Gamedays in Norman are my favorite weekends of the year, and cheering on the Sooners is always a good time. 

Bonus tidbit: I love to travel more than anything else! In the past few years, I have been to eleven different countries.

Jack Carson

Booker T. Washington High School

Attending: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Intended major: Double majoring inElectrical Engineering and Computer Science/Philosophy

Biggest influence: Two professors at the University of Tulsa, Loyd Hook and Gabriel Leblanc, allowed me to pursue research in their labs. This fired my interest in science and allowed me to learn how to do research at a very young age.

Proudest achievement: Being accepted into the Research Science Institute after my junior year in high school. RSI only accepts 100 students from around the world for an all-expense-paid summer at MIT working in leading laboratories. It is arguably the most competitive science and math program in the world. I was the first person ever accepted from eastern Oklahoma.

Career plans: I intend to pursue a doctoral degree in a technical field and then devote myself to what D’Arcy Thompson called “the resolute unmaking of mysteries.”

I would trade places for one day with: Ilya Sutskever, one of leading figures in the development of deep neural nets, a co-founder of OpenAI and now the leader of Safe Superintelligence. Why? Because Sutskever is on the cutting edge of the most important issue of our time: the responsible development of powerful technologies.

Unique characteristics: I would hesitate to say that I do stand out from others my age. But any uniqueness lies in already demonstrating what has been called “mavericity” – that quality of making chaotic associations across disciplines that Ernst Mach rightfully believed to be the hallmark of a great scientist. I have mixed a great interest in poetry, painting and music with a love of math, chemistry and physics to generate some interesting scientific insights, leading to one published paper and several yet-to-be published ones.

Hobbies and passions: I love motorcycles and music. I am racetrack-certified in motorcycles, and I play violin and viola, enjoy composing and conducting. I hope to continue these interests in college.

Surprising fact: I’m spending the summer trekking through ten nations in southern Africa. 

Kyla Reed

Metro Christian Academy

Attending: Oklahoma State University

Intended major: Mechanical Engineering. Math and science have always been my favorite subjects, and engineering is a great path to gain more knowledge in those topics. I desire to build a solid foundation in engineering and use the skills I will learn to make a positive impact in the world.

Biggest influence: My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is my Rock and Sustainer, and He is always there for me in the highs and lows. Knowing my identity is in Christ has helped me walk confidently through life with Him in every season.

Proudest achievement: Winning first place at the Sapulpa Invitational Golf Tournament. This was a very important moment for me because I tore my ACL eight months earlier and rehabbed tirelessly until I was in better physical shape than prior to my injury. It was truly a blessing for all the hard work I put in recovering my knee.

Career plans: I plan on obtaining an undergraduate and graduate degree in the field of engineering. I have always been interested in cars, so I aspire for a future career in the automotive industry.

I would trade places for one day with: Lewis Hamilton, a Formula 1 driver, because I would like to learn how to drive an F1 car and race on famous racetracks in Europe, taking turns at 200 miles per hour.

Twenty years down the line, I would like to be: Raising a family while working in the automotive industry, improving cars to be more affordable while also environmentally friendly. I would also like to be involved in my local church, mentoring younger girls.

Unique characteristics: I have always been an encourager, uplifting others to excel in whatever they are doing. I also have a positive outlook on life, which makes the hard days less hard and the good days even sweeter.

Hobbies and passions: I love playing the piano, messing around with different chords and notes, and trying to play songs by ear. 

Surprising fact: During COVID, I learned how to juggle – whether they were oranges, apples or foam balls. Now I have a party trick wherever I go!

Bonus tidbit: I made my first hole-in-one this summer from 177 yards out with a 6-iron.

Lillian Smittle

Augustine Christian Academy

Attending: Central Christian College of the Bible, then transferring to the University of Missouri

Intended major: Cross-Cultural Ministry. My parents were both missionaries, and I’ve always been drawn to living in different places and learning about different cultures.

Biggest influence: One of my high school teachers, Mr. Post. He displayed what it looks like to be a lifelong learner and to live a life devoted to Christ.

Proudest achievement: Being my school’s valedictorian. I had to grow and push myself, and so I see it as both a personal and academic

Career plans: I am very set on respiratory therapy, as I have struggled with asthma for the majority of my life, and I want to be able to make the process of respiratory care less intimidating.

I would trade places for one day with: Neil Armstrong the day he walked on the moon. Being able to look out at the earth from such a distance all while literally creating history is so incredibly cool.

Twenty years down the line, I would like: To have a family. Hopefully, I will be working as a respiratory therapist, improving the lives of others in places that need medical assistance. I also hope to continue to spread the word of God, as He is where the joy is.

Unique characteristics: I believe I carry the quality of discernment, and I am determined in all areas of my life. I also have a genuine interest in getting to understand the lives of others.

Hobbies and passions: Hiking and rapelling are both things I love to do. I also love paddleboarding and swing dancing.

Surprising fact: I grew up learning both English and Spanish.

Bonus tidbit: I went skydiving with some of my best friends for a sort of joint birthday celebration, because we had promised each other when we were 15 that we would jump out of a plane together when we turned 18.

Ranee Nettey

Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics

Attending: Emory University

Intended major: Human Health. From a young age, I’ve always loved helping others and checking on their wellbeing. As time passed, I became passionate about studying and solving the global factors that limit healthcare accessibility.

Biggest influence: The Lord, in whom I put my faith, has been my life’s guide. My family, consisting of my parents and older sister, have made endless sacrifices to ensure I have a strong foundation rooted in unwavering guidance. I also wouldn’t be the person I am without my amazing friends.

Proudest achievement: Receiving a full-ride, four-year scholarship to Emory through the QuestBridge National College Match process. My ability to pursue higher education without worrying about financial difficulties is a blessing and opportunity I am eager to fulfill!

Career plans: Dentistry, with the hopes of creating a non-profit organization that provides dental care to under-resourced communities.

I would trade places for one day with: A Broadway singer. I enjoy watching musicals, and I would love to capture the hearts of an audience through a musical performance.

Twenty years down the line, I would like to be: Publicly advocating and closing health disparities worldwide. I would love to have a family of my own filled with exciting adventures and maybe even release a few songs!

Unique characteristics: I have a very empathetic and caring nature. I resonate deeply with others and ensure everyone’s voice is heard. I’m also courageous. I stand up for myself and speak out against wrongdoings.

Hobbies and passions: I love songwriting, choreographing dance routines, embracing my Ghanaian culture and whipping up new recipes. Honestly, I’m always finding ways to fulfill my ambitious creativity!

Surprising fact: I know how to play the acoustic guitar, and I used to be in a band when I was younger.

Maddox Ellis

Mount St. Mary’s Catholic High School 

Attending: University of Oklahoma

Intended major: Biochemistry. This major allows me to be fully prepared for medical school, while also learning about the interesting processes of living organisms. 

Biggest influence: My parents. They are examples of how to live with kindness, generosity and a strong work ethic. 

Proudest achievement: Finishing in the top 10% of my class and advancing to the baseball state semifinals. 

Career plans: My ultimate goal is to attend medical school and become a physician. 

I would trade places for one day with: Current or former president, as it is an opportunity to see the immense responsibilities and aspects of that role. 

Twenty years down the line, I would like to be: In private practice in whichever medical field I specialize in. Along with this, I see myself having a family and doing everything that comes with this. 

Unique characteristics: In comparison to others my age, I believe I have an extremely strong work ethic and willingness to go the extra mile. This is especially true in academics.

Hobbies and passions: A majority of my hobbies outside academics are physical activities. These include long-distance running, golfing and weightlifting.

Surprising fact: I have a twin sibling. 

Bonus tidbit: I was voted “Most Likely to be Studying” as a high school superlative. I am ambidextrous or mixed-handed – I do around 50% of things left handed and the other 50% right handed.

Elizabeth Nguyen

Bishop Kelley High School

Attending: University of Oklahoma

Intended major: Nursing. I’ve always had an interest in sciences, and I knew that in the future I wanted to be in a career where I was able to interact with and help others.

Biggest influence: My family. Throughout my life, my parents and my older sister have been so crucial in helping guide me to where I am today by setting such great examples and goals to follow. And my younger sister and brother have always supported and inspired me in countless ways.

Proudest achievement: Being chosen to help lead Kairos, a senior retreat. Taking on a leadership role used to be very rare for me, but being able to finally overcome a lot of my anxieties and stage fright really helped me gain more confidence in myself and what I can accomplish.

Career plans: My career plans are to become an RN and possibly continue my studies to become a CRNA or nurse practitioner.

I would trade places for one day with: A music artist or pop star, like Sabrina Carpenter. It would be cool to be a celebrity for a day and be able to sing in front of giant crowds.

Twenty years down the line, I would like to be: With a family of my own and spending lots of time and having fun with family and friends.

Unique characteristics: I actually enjoy silence a lot of the time. I like to look out the window or at my surroundings and think.

Hobbies and passions: Outside of academics, I enjoy music and going to concerts with my friends and sisters, and I also love to cook and bake for my family.

Surprising fact: I swam competitively for two years and have been a lifeguard for three years.

Bonus tidbit: I’m really good at remembering lyrics and songs. I can usually name a song within a couple seconds of hearing it.

Junior Jonathan Nsengiyumva

Oklahoma Christian School

Attending: University of Ottawa

Intended major: Business Technology Management – a major that would put me in a good position to move back home to Rwanda and make an impact immediately. 

Biggest influence: Both my parents. They’ve had to overcome so much adversity throughout their life, that I live to make them proud and to show them that their sacrifices weren’t in vain.

Proudest achievement: Winning a state [basketball] championship with not only my teammates but my best friends.

Career plans: I’m yet to decide what career to pursue but I’d like to be established in my career and then move home to Rwanda and help build my country up!

I would trade places for one day with: Shannon Sharpe, because I love talking basketball/sports and it’d be really cool to get paid for it!

Twenty years down the line, I would like to be: Moved back home, have my own family, live close to the rest of my siblings and parents, and be happy with what I do –  a job that can help me sustain my family. But even more, so I hope I’m still having fun with life!

Unique characteristics: I’ve been taught how to clearly communicate my feelings without being disrespectful or unpleasant with anyone. I’ve also learned to walk in somebody else’s shoes before any judgment.

Hobbies and passions: I love basketball and sports, but I also love reading in my free time. Mostly, I enjoy spending time with my loved ones!

Philip J. Oh

Broken Arrow High School

Attending: Pomona College

Intended major: Mostly undecided. Economics is interesting, though.

Biggest influence: My father. He has taught me by example the art of pushing through even when I feel as though I can’t; he taught me what sacrifice was from a young age. Ever since, it has often been my greatest strength.

Proudest achievement: Becoming healthier. I spiked to 200 pounds when I was just 10 years old, so working hard at the gym and very slowly seeing results for about 6 years now has been a very important journey, and I’m proud that I stuck with it.

Career plans: I’m currently unsure of any plans or careers. I’m somewhat of a wild card at the moment.

I would trade places for one day with: Olympic judoka, Ono Shohei. I’m very curious as to how he is able to read his opponents so well while also having a perfect defense. 

Twenty years down the line, I would like to be: Achieving a feasible level of personal peace, no longer plagued by an overabundance of ambition.

Unique characteristics: I’m very creative when it comes to planning the unexpected; whether I’m playing a video game, taking a test, or visualizing a team sport strategy, I’m able to come up with remarkably unpredictable strategies to use the resources I am given.

Hobbies and passions: I love practicing judo. It’s an activity I find to be simultaneously mentally entertaining and a good workout.

Surprising fact: Despite my built stature and rigorous exercise schedule, I love writing and reading poetry.

Bonus tidbit: I love drinking black coffee!

Magnolia Louise Kirt

Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School

Attending: Trinity University

Intended major: I am interested in majoring in Psychology or Biology. Both would prepare me for the career paths that I am considering.  

Biggest influence: My freshman math teacher, cross-country coach and Venturing Crew sponsor, Mrs. Coats. She always gives herself fully to her commitments. For example, I am most grateful for the many times that she used her days off to take our outdoors club on outings and campouts which have provided some of my fondest high school memories. She inspires me to give my best effort in what I choose to do.

Proudest achievement: Running a 5K at my last high school meet, state, in under 21 minutes. It took a lot of determination, but my hard work throughout the season paid off. 

Career plans: I’m interested in being a dietician or a physical therapist.

I would trade places for one day with: Tracy Chapman. Her talent and voice are incredible, while she gives off an air of soulfulness. “Fast Car” is my favorite song ever (I have it memorized on guitar), and the other songs she has written are also amazing.

Twenty years down the line, I would like to be: Truly content. Hopefully, I will be living in a place that I love with a big, happy family. In addition, I hope to travel all over the world and constantly take on new adventures.

Unique characteristics: I stand out because I am determined and I look on the bright side, attempting to stay positive in almost every situation.

Hobbies and passions: I love reading, rollerblading, camping/hiking/anything outdoors, and occasionally baking.

Surprising fact: I’ve been to more than 10 countries.

Bonus tidbit: I can recite the Greek alphabet!

Zachary King

Thomas Edison Preparatory School

Attending: Oklahoma Baptist University

Intended major: Family Therapy – I really feel like that is where the Lord is calling me. I am not completely sure why, but I feel like that is what He wants me to pursue. 

Biggest influence: A couple that come to mind are my friends Brady and Caleb. They are from church and they have helped, guided and poured into me so much through high school. Another person is Mr. Mike Bakker. He is the leadership teacher at Edison, and he really helped me to step out and live out my faith in Jesus at Edison, even though he is not a Christian. 

Proudest achievement: All that I do, I try to let Christ work through me. Galatians 2:20 is what I really try to live by.

Career plans: I would like to be a missionary as I get older.

I would trade places for one day with: A stunt man or something like that. I think it would be really cool to go and get to do a lot of crazy things.

Twenty years down the line, I would like to: Have a family and hopefully be overseas sharing the gospel.

Unique characteristics: I hope that my faith in Christ stands out and I hope that people can see Christ when they see me.

Hobbies and passions: I enjoy playing guitar, playing disc golf and playing volleyball.

Surprising fact: I play guitar!

Bonus tidbit: I used to play soccer as a kid, but I quit in middle school. I came back my senior year of high school, and we ended up winning state and I was able to start every game. It was kind of crazy and awesome all at the same time!

John Hughes

Casady School

Attending: Northwestern University

Intended major: Double majoring in Theater and Political Science, because I participated in many school theater productions and love studying the scripts of shows. I am drawn to political science because of my deep affection for our democracy and for my near-obsession with how the government operates.

Biggest influence: I consider many comedians, such as Martin Short, Dick York, Steve Martin, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Don Knotts and Michael Richards as influences because of their impact on my own comedic timing, content and presence. Then again, I find former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and former Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and George Washington as my largest political influences. But when it all boils down, I know of all of these people because of my parents.

Proudest achievement: What I do to ensure that everyone who is eligible to participate in our democracy has the chance to do so. I greatly enjoy hosting voter registration drives to help infuse our electorate with new blood, while the People, Pints, and Politics events that I helped create with state Rep. Trish Ranson (D-Stillwater) educate adults on the importance of participating in our democracy. 

I would trade places for one day with: A member of Congress to experience what the actual day-to-day job looks like. 

Twenty years down the line, I would like to be: Either a successful actor or a scriptwriter. I enjoy telling the stories of others, and I believe that either of these professions would bring me immense joy to participate in.

Unique characteristics: My sense of civic responsibility. I find importance in every election, even ones with difficult decisions or ones surrounded by apathy. 

Hobbies and passions: My hobbies outside of academics include reading and writing, including researching history. I am a huge history buff, especially the history of the United States. I also enjoy studying maps and geography. 

Surprising fact: My family and I have been known to drive to Dallas just to get lunch at In-N-Out, visit Buc-ee’s, and then head back home.

Dae’Mar Nealy

Union High School 

Attending: Northeastern State University

Intended major: I plan to major in Sports Journalism or Sports Marketing. I love the energy, passion and team mentality that comes with sports, and I know I will miss it when I graduate. 

Biggest influence: Travis and Liz Wood, for two reasons. First, when they took me into their house, they showed me the difference of dreams and goals. We don’t just sit around and hope they come true; we work, we chase, and we don’t stop when there is a bump in the road. Secondly, they showed me there is happiness in all circumstances. Life is never like you think it’s going to be but that doesn’t stop us from enjoying it.  

Proudest achievement: I’m proud to be the first in my bloodline to go to attend college. I say bloodline because my family has grown so much with so many different people helping me along the way.

Career plans: Hopefully pursue sports media and work on a national level with the NCAA or NFL.  

Unique characteristics: Even though I’m only 18, I feel like I’ve lived so many lives. I’m lucky to have a village of parents, family and friends and they have all influenced my life so much. If I had to name one trait, it would be my relentless love for other’s successes. 

Hobbies and passions: Spending time with friends, giving back to my community and mentoring younger people.  

Surprising fact: I love being on the farm! Grandad and Granny Jan have introduced me to the country, and I really love the farm life! 

Bonus tidbit: As a freshman, my GPA was barely passing, and I was one absence away from repeating the grade. As a senior, I was named Senior of the Year, Football Team Captain and runner-up to “Mr. Union.” I tell this story not from a place of self-promotion, but because there are so many kids that were in the same place I was, and I want them to see that it’s doable. My turnaround was based almost 100% on the football program at Union.  The coaches for a program like that weren’t going to let me get away with the nonsense I was pulling. Because they believed in me, I believed in myself.  I won’t be able to repay Coach Fred and the staff for what they did for me, I just hope I’m able to pay it forward. 

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