Friday, March 20 and Saturday, March 21–
With his unique ability, John Edward gives solace to many who’ve lost loved ones. A psychic medium, author and lecturer, he continues to lighten the hearts of his clients, as well as strangers attending his events, by connecting them to those who’ve passed on. Many times, Edward’s talent falls upon those who need his comforting ability the most; the Other Side typically does the choosing. A career spanning 25 years, Edward has made shocking revelations that shed a truthful light on his ability to predict future events and communicate with people who’ve crossed over, and consequently, he’s gained a large fan following. Some clients wait up to two years to sit down one-on-one with his gift. Edward connects with the Other Side on two internationally syndicated talk shows that include Crossing Over with John Edward and John Edward Cross Country, and he connects with this side, with the words between the pages of One Last Time; What if God Were the Sun; Crossing Over: The Stories Behind the Stories; After Life: Answers from the Other Side; Final Beginnings; Practical Praying: Using the Rosary to Enhance Your Life; Infinite Quest; and most recently, Fallen Masters. Edward’s popularity has welcomed him to many top television programs including Oprah, Dr. Oz, Ellen, The View and many others. Fortunately for Oklahoma City, Tulsa and surrounding areas, there’s no need to wait to get in front of Edward. If there are voices trying to connect from the Other Side, he’ll hear them at Oklahoma City’s Bricktown Hotel and Convention Center on Friday, March 20, at 7 p.m., and at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center on Saturday, March 21, at 12 p.m. For more information, visit www.tulsapac.com or www.johnedward.net.