Toni Nigro, Mousumi Som, Chris McNeil, Taran Valdivia-Carlilse; Scholarship and Awards dinner, Osteopathic Founders Foundation, Tulsa Jim Couch, Jimmy Curry, Sue Ann Arnall, Carl Edwards, Debby Hampton; Snowflake Gala, United Way of Central Oklahoma, OKC Newton Box, Patricia Box, Insung Kim, Jill Donovan, Craig & Cheryl Beers; Uncorking the Cure, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Tulsa Daniela Buson, Marcello Angelini; Icons and Idols, Tulsa Ballet Don & Susie Wellendorf; Icons and Idols, Tulsa Ballet Jeanie Webb, Beverley Bass, Lindy Ritz, Amy Downs, Tamara Pratt; Rose State College panel event, Midwest City Rick Guild, Anne Fite, Glenn Hudgens; Gift of Hope Celebration, Tulsa Boys’ Home Phil & Miranda Kaiser, Susan & GT Bynum; Toyland Ball, Parent Child Center of Tulsa Christine Allen, Ann Felton Gilliland, Cindy VanKley; Martin Luther King Jr. Prayer Breakfast, Midwest City Chamber Sarah Karimian, Crystal Stovall, David Karimian; Icons and Idols, Tulsa Ballet Leigh Goodson, Sam Combs, Dana Wilkes, Michelle Hardesty, Amie Trammell; Hardesty Student Success Center Removing Barriers Groundbreaking, Tulsa Community College Kesha Martin, Brandon Smith, Jeanetta Williams; Golden Brew Competition, Youth Services of Tulsa Susan Savage, Daryl Thompson, Jeff Nowlin; Community Connection, Ascension Saint John, Tulsa Anthony & Ashley Herron; Snowflake Gala, United Way of Central Oklahoma, OKC