The weekend
Get out of town – way out of town – for rodeo fun right out of decades past. This weekend features the 101 Wild West Rodeo at the 101 Ranch rodeo grounds at West Prospect Avenue and North Ash Street in Ponca City. Events such as barrel racing, bull riding, steer roping and more take place from Thursday, June 12, to Saturday, June 14, daily at 8 p.m., but Saturday’s events also include a downtown parade, kids’ rodeo and entertainment, all starting at around 10 a.m. For more, visit www.101wildwestrodeo.com.
There’ll be plenty of roping, trick shooting and stunts happening during Pawnee Bill’s Original Wild West Show, Friday, June 13, and Saturday, June 14. Stop in at the Pawnee Bill Ranch, 1141 Pawnee Bill Road, in Pawnee for cowboys and cowgirls performing stunts much like Wild West Shows of yesteryear. Shows run from 7:30-9 p.m. For more, www.okhistory.org.