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Creative Solutions

Looking for innovative solutions for living is what SR Hughes Design Group has always done best and continues to do. The company constantly seeks new...

Myriad Colors

When Tom Novak began working in the restaurant business back in the early ‘90s, he had no idea that one day he would be turning...

Save Where It Counts

Being prepared for the grocery aisles can protect your budget.

Happy Trails

“Pack a lot of patience.” Countless vacationing moms and dads can testify to this dry but sage warning from AAA auto travel counselor Susan Meek....


The King James Bible turns 400 years old this year, and you need only drive a mile in any town to see its influence today....

Making History

Lifelong resident Pete Egan has parlayed passions for Sapulpa and for model-making into elaborate preservation of the town’s history. In three dimensions, no less. Piece...

Romantic Getaways

Whether you and your partner are dating or have been married for years, a romantic getaway is a healthy, priceless investment in your relationship. Simply...

Growing Green Together

Tucked away in the urban sprawl of Oklahoma City, surrounded by steel beams and concrete trucks, there grows a secret garden. Just east of its...