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School | Address/phone/website | Enrollment | Student/teacher ratio | Grades | Standardized testing | Foreign languages/sports programs/arts and music programs | Number of teachers with advanced degrees | Scholarships and/or need-based financial aid | Uniforms | Annual tuition | Religious affiliation |
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All Saints Catholic School | 299 S. Ninth St., Tulsa/918-251-3000/allsaintaba.com | 370 | 12:1 | PreK-8 | Iowa Test of Basic Skills | French, Latin, Spanish/Yes/Yes | 6 | Yes | Yes | $5,107-$5,857 | Catholic |
Augustine Christian Academy | 6310 E. 30th St., Tulsa/918-832-4600/ acatulsa.org | 200 | 10:1 | PreK-12 | Other | Hebrew, Latin/No/Yes | 5 | No | Yes | $7,500 | Inter-denominational |
Bishop Kelley High School | 3905 S. Hudson Ave., Tulsa/918-627-3390/ bishopkelley.org | 941 | 11.76:1 | 9-12 | ACT | French, Latin, Spanish/ Yes/Yes | 37 | Yes | Yes | $9,975 (Catholic parishoners) $12,275 (Standard) | Catholic |
Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School | 801 N.W. 50th St., OKC/405-842-6638/ bmchs.org | 740 | 12:1 | 9-12 | ACT, EXPLORE, SAT | French, Latin, Spanish/ Yes/Yes | 60 | Yes | Yes | $10,325 (Catholic) $14,515 (Standard) | Catholic |
Casady School | 9500 N. Pennsylvania Ave., OKC/405-749-3100/casady.org | 949 | 16:1 | PreK-12 | ACT | Arabic, Chinese, French, Latin, Spanish/Yes/Yes | 65 | Yes | Yes | $21,370 (Highest grade) | Episcopal |
Cascia Hall Preparatory School | 2520 S. Yorktown Ave., Tulsa/918-746-2604/casciahall.com | 535 | 10:1 | 6-12 | ACT, Iowa Test of Basic Skills, SAT, other | Chinese, French, German, Spanish/Yes/Yes | 19 | Yes | Yes | $15,925 | Augustinian Catholic |
Christian Montessori Academy | 3702 S. 90th E. Ave., Tulsa/918-628-6524/montessorilearning.org | 70 | 10:1 | Ages 3-12 (Multi-age classrooms) | None | Spanish, French (Upper-Elementary)/No/Yes | 0 | No | No | $7,000 | Christian |
Crossings Christian School | 14400 N. Portland Ave., OKC/405-842-8495/ crossingsschool.org | 1,055 | 20:1 | PreK-12 | ACT, SAT, other | Spanish/Yes/Yes | 65 | Yes | Yes | $9,575-$10,250 | Non-denominational |
Heritage Hall | 1800 N.W. 122nd St., OKC/405-749-3000/ heritagehall.com | 890 | 16:1 | PreK-12 | ACT, EXPLORE, SAT | Chinese, French, Spanish/No/Yes | 75 | Yes | No | $10,000 – $21,250 | None |
Holland Hall | 5666 E. 81st St., Tulsa/918-481-1111/ hollandhall.org | 1,006 | 10:1 | PreK-12 | ACT, SAT | Chinese, French, Latin, Spanish/No/Yes | 58 | Yes | Yes | $7,700-$21,625 | Episcopal |
Holy Family Classical School | 820 S. Boulder Ave., Tulsa/918-582-0422/holyfamilyclassicalschool.org | 153 | 16:1 | PreK-8 | Other | Latin/Yes/Yes | 5 | Yes | Yes | $5,000-$7,500 | Roman Catholic |
Immanuel Lutheran Christian Academy | 400 N. Aspen Ave., Broken Arrow/918-251-5422/ilcanews.org | 150 | 12:1 | K-12 | Other | Spanish/Yes/Yes | 6 | Yes | Yes | $6,850 (K-8)$7,900 (9-12) | Lutheran Church Missouri Synod |
Lincoln Christian School | 1003 N. 129th E. Ave., Tulsa/918-234-8150/ lincolnchristianschool.com | 920 | 16:1 | PreK3-12 | ACT, EXPLORE, Iowa Test of Baic Skills, Other | Spanish/Yes/Yes | 25 | Yes | No | $7,799 | Non-denominational |
Marquette Catholic School | 1519 S. Quincy Ave., Tulsa/918-584-4631/ marquetteschool.org | 468 | 22:1 | PreK3-8 | Iowa Test of Basic Skills | Spanish/Yes/Yes | 9 | Yes | Yes | $5,671 | Catholic |
Messiah Lutheran Church and School | 3600 N.W. Expy., OKC/405-946-0462/messiahlutheranschool.com | 101 | 15:1 | PreK-8 | Iowa Test of Basic Skills | Spanish/No/Yes | 2 | Yes | Yes | $5,550 | Lutheran |
Metro Christian Academy | 6363 S. Trenton Ave., Tulsa/918-745-9868/metroca.com | 946 | 10:1 | PreK3-12 | EXPLORE, Stanford Achievement Test, Other | French, Spanish/Yes/Yes | 36 | Yes | Yes | $6,765-$11,115 | Non-denominational |
Mingo Valley Christian | 8304 S. 107th E. Ave., Tulsa/918-294-0404/mingovalley.org | 325 | 11:1 | PreK-12 | ACT, SAT, Terra Nova | Spanish/Yes/Yes | 14 | Yes | Yes | $8,330-$10,160 | Non-denominational |
Mizel Jewish Community Day School | 2025 E. 71st St., Tulsa/918-494-0953/mizel.org | 32 | 8:1 | PreK-5 | Iowa Test of Basic Skills | Hebrew/No/Yes | 3 | Yes | Yes | $8,220 | Jewish |
Monte Cassino School | 2206 S. Lewis Ave., Tulsa/918-746-4238/montecassino.org | 752 | 10.3:1 | PreK3-8 | Iowa Test of Basic Skills | French, Latin, Spanish/Yes/Yes | 34 | Yes | Yes | $6,900-$11,950 | Catholic |
Mount St. Mary Catholic High School | 2801 S. Shartel Ave., OKC/405-631-8865/mountstmary.org | 387 | 12:1 | 9-12 | ACT, EXPLORE, SAT | French, Latin, Spanish/ Yes/Yes | 21 | Yes | Yes | $11,650 | Catholic |
Regent Preparatory School of Oklahoma | 8621 S. Memorial Drive, Tulsa/918-663-1002/rpsok.org | 525 | 12:1 | PreK-12 | Other | Latin, Spanish/Yes/Yes | 18 | Yes | Yes | $4,300-$10,700 | Christian |
Rejoice Christian School | 13407 E. 106th St. N., Owasso/918-516-0050/ rejoiceschool.com | 1,000 | 12:1 | PreK3-12 | Other | American Sign Language, French, Spanish/Yes/Yes | 30 | Yes | No | $7,300 | Christian |
Riverfield Country Day School | 2433 W. 61st St., Tulsa/918-446-3553/ riverfield.org | 560 | 4:1-15:1 (Depending on grade level) | Infants-12 | ACT, EXPLORE, SAT, Other | German, Spanish/Yes/Yes | 23 | Yes | No | $11,040-$14,825 | None |
Saint Catherine School | 2515 W. 46th St., Tulsa/918-446-9756/ saintcatherineschool.org | 162 | 13:1 | PreK3-8 | Iowa Test of Basic Skills | None/Yes/Yes | 5 | Yes | Yes | $4,621-$5,717 | Catholic |
School of Saint Mary | 1365 E. 49th Place, Tulsa/ 918-749-9361/schoolofsaintmary.com | 223 | 15:1 | K-8 | Iowa Test of Basic Skills | Spanish/Yes/Yes | 2 | Yes | Yes | $5,670 (Parishioner) $7,081 (Standard) | Catholic |
Solid Foundation Preparatory Arts Academy | 4025 N. Hartford Ave., Tulsa/ 918-794-7800/ sfpaeagles.com | 52 | 12:1 | PreK3-5 | Other | None/No/Yes | 4 | No | Yes | $5,760 (PreK) Tuition Free (K-5th) | Non-denominational |
St. Pius X Catholic School | 1717 S. 75th E. Ave., Tulsa/918-627-5367/school.spxtulsa.org | 350 | 17:1 | PreK3-8 | Iowa Test of Basic Skills | Spanish/Yes/Yes | 15 | Yes | Yes | $5,379 | Catholic |
St. Mary’s Episcopal School | 505 E. Covell Road, Edmond/405-341-9541/smesedmond.org | 190 | 6:1 | PreK-5 | Iowa Test of Basic Skills | Spanish/Yes/Yes | 5 | Yes | Yes | $3,700-$9,700 | Episcopal |
Town and Country School | 8906 E. 34th St., Tulsa/918-296-3113/tandcschool.org | 165 | 6:1 | 1-12 | ACT, Other | None/Yes/Yes | 36 | Yes | Yes | $13,540-$14,880 | None |
Undercroft Montessori School | 3745 S. Hudson Ave., Tulsa/918-622-2890/undercroft.org | 210 | 11:1 | PreK-8 | ACT | Spanish/No/Yes | 23 | Yes | No | $11,000 | None |
University School at the University of Tulsa | 326 S. College Ave., Tulsa/918-631-5060/ uschool.utulsa.edu | 190 | 5:1 | PreK3-8 | Stanford Achievement Test | Chinese, Spanish/No/Yes | 11 | Yes | No | $13,000 | None |
Wright Christian Academy | 11391 E. Admiral Place, Tulsa/ 918-899-3465/ wrightchristianacademy.com | 220 | 10:1 | PreK-12 | ACT, Iowa Test of Basic Skills, SAT, Terra Nova | Spanish/Yes/Yes | 11 | Yes | Yes | $6,075 -$7,295 | Non-denominational |