The Weekend
When the last piece of pumpkin pie has been downed and the leftover turkey has been put away for the next day’s sandwiches, it’s time to put on the coats and drive out to the many holiday lights displays that have become a tradition. A few start early: Rhema Bible Church goes live with Rhema Christmas Lights in Broken Arrow starting Nov. 19, while one of the state’s biggest and most talked-about shows, the Chickasha Festival of Lights, opens on Nov. 22. Philbrook Museum of Art in Tulsa also makes the Garden Glow, part of its Festival of Trees celebration, on Nov. 22. Chesapeake Energy covers eight city blocks in millions of LED lights starting on Nov. 25. On Turkey Day, Utica Square flips the switch for Lights On (pictured), it’s holiday display complete with carols, hot chocolate and an appearance by Santa Claus. The SandRidge Tree Lighting Festival on Nov. 28 in Oklahoma City marks the official start to Downtown in December, while things start to look bright with Winterfest on Nov. 28 in downtown Tulsa.
Rhema Christmas Lights, www.rhemabiblechurch.com
Chickasha Festival of Lights, www.chickashafestivaloflight.com
Garden Glow, www.philbrook.org
Lights On!, www.uticasquare.com
SandRidge Tree Lighting Festival, www.downtownindecember.com
Arvest Tulsa Winterfest, www.bokcenter.com