What’s the one play that comes to mind when thinking of William Shakespeare? Romeo and Juliet. The classic tale of two lovers comes together in the form of flexibility and high leaps in a stunning ballet production to portray the passion of Shakespeare’s tragic story. The opening number in the marketplace sets the stage with violence that governs the citizens of Verona. Choreographed by Edwaard Liang, who is one of the premier choreographers of the ballet world, and whose works appear in the repertoires of the top ballet companies in the world. Liang’s version of this story will deliver all the thrilling beauty of ballet and all the emotional power of drama. As one of the world’s most treasured love stories, the Tulsa Ballet’s production of Romeo and Juliet is the perfect vehicle to romance your significant other for Valentine’s Day. Feb. 12-14 at 8 p.m. and 3 p.m. on Sunday at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $25-$115 at www.tulsapac.com.