Dec. 21 through 31 at OKCMOA
As the holidays approach, I wanted to highlight an exciting film event that is starting this week. For those of you who live near OKC (or are willing to drive – trust me, it’s worth it), you should absolutely make the jaunt to the Oklahoma City Museum of Art for their mini film series “A Very Wes Anderson Christmas”, running Dec. 21-31.
Wes Anderson can be a bit divisive as a filmmaker – some people find his strictly controlled, obsessive style too precious. I used to be one of those people, but then, after multiple attempts, discovered the beauty and humor that dwell abundantly underneath the perfectly arranged surfaces of his films. His visual precision means his films are worth seeing on the big screen, and the museum is even showing two in 35mm, a rare treat for cinephiles these days. All his films are worth watching (and they’re all showing here), but I’d especially recommend the following: Moonrise Kingdom, The Grand Budapest Hotel, The Royal Tennenbaums and Rushmore.