Does it surprise anyone that Alice Cooper’s current hot-ticket tour is titled Raise the Dead? What if the godfather of shock-rock spectacle pared down the theatrics (bye-bye, guillotines) for a more intimate performance billed as An Evening with Alice Cooper? The Rock and Roll Hall of Famer is anything but predictable, so when guests arrive at the Brady Theater for his Saturday, Feb. 7, concert, they’re as likely to find a spirited solo act featuring the one and only Mr. Cooper as they are a fully-staged nightmare in progress. Let there be no mistake: There will be blood, fake, of course, and plenty of hair-raising fun. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., and the show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets to An Evening with Alice Cooper are $45-$85, available at www.bradytheater.com. If anything is certain, this evening will be an unforgettable one.