Photo courtesy Blanchard Bluegrass Festival
Photo courtesy Blanchard Bluegrass Festival

Blanchard BlueGrass Festival Aug. 19 & 20 Lions Park 

The city of Blanchard will be hosting its sixth annual Blanchard Bluegrass Festival in late August. On Friday, there will be gospel performers in Lions Park, and Saturday brings with it a litany of bluegrass musicians.

“In the past, we’ve had bands from Oklahoma, Texas and Colorado play for us. We’ve had musicians come down from New York, and this year we’re having some people from Tennessee join us. We don’t pay them too much, but for them, it’s all about the music,” says Chris Wittenbach, the Parks and Recreation director for the City of Blanchard.

For Wittenbach, the festival is an equally beneficial opportunity for both the musicians and the locals.

“We want to provide the opportunity for bluegrass musicians to play their music, and we also want the general public to be able to come down to the park and listen to things they normally wouldn’t get to hear,” he says.

The show will run Aug. 19 and 20 in Lions Park, and the festival is free to the public. For more information, head to

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