Saturday, Nov. 15
An astonishing night in the history of peace and war was recorded on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in 1914. World War I was devastating Europe, but in those hours, soldiers on both sides stopped fighting to sing songs from their trenches. They even offered Christmas greetings to the enemy across the charred no man’s land. The unofficial ceasefire wasn’t isolated, and it is the inspiration of All Is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914, a theatrically-staged concert from vocal group Cantus and Theatre Latte Da. Peter Rothstein’s program, featuring musical arrangements by Erick Lichte and Timothy C. Takach, is presented by Choregus Productions at the Lorton Performance Center on the University of Tulsa campus, 550 S. Gary Place, Tulsa. Performance is at 8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 15, and tickets are $30, available at www.myticketoffice.com.