Starts Monday, Jan. 12
Anyone who’s ever wondered what art in Oklahoma looks like today should walk straight to Oklahoma Contemporary Arts Center and the ArtNow 2015 exhibition. The special art exhibit and sale showcases some of the state’s most recognizable names in art, including Michi Susan, Bert Seabourn and Romy Owens, in a display of work across multiple genres and highly representative of Oklahoma City’s creative energy and spirit. ArtNow goes up on Monday, Jan. 12, in the art center at 3000 General Pershing Blvd., in Oklahoma City for view during regular gallery hours. Works will then be sold during the ArtNow Gala on Friday, Jan. 23, to benefit Oklahoma Contemporary operations and programming. It’s worth noting that fundraiser also keep the gallery free and open to the public throughout the year. The exhibition closes on the night of the gala. For more about the exhibit and Jan. 23 gala benefiting the arts center, visit www.oklahomacontemporary.org.