February: the month of romance, flowers, champagne, and – of course – chocolate. If you’re looking to satiate a sweet tooth, the state welcomes a bevy of chocolate-centric celebrations.
Chocolate Decadence, hosted by the Automobile Alley Association in Oklahoma City, features jazz, champagne and a Valentine’s-themed auction Feb. 1 in the Hudson-Essex building downtown (chocolatedecadenceokc.com). Restaurateurs get in on the action by creating sweet and savory chocolate delights to enjoy.
“Chocolate Decadence is extra special to us because of its legacy,” says Steve Schlegel, owner of Schlegel Bicycles and a board chair of Automobile Alley. “Even after 21 years, the event still sells out, and it’s exciting to see new people every time.”
Muskogee’s Habitat for Humanity offers a delectable evening at the Home Sweet Home Chocolate Festival on Feb. 10 at the Muskogee Civic Center. Enjoy cake, candies and other unique creations to nosh, plus wine and an auction – all for a great cause. Visit muskogeehfh.org for info.
The Norman Chocolate Festival, also Feb. 10, is coordinated by the Norman PTA Council and has an impressive list of awards to its name, including the Frontier Country Grand Award for Outstanding Food Festival in central Oklahoma. Samples abound – from classic fondue to chocolate chili – so stroll around Norman High School and get your fill. Visit normanptacouncil.org for details.