Opens Friday, Nov. 7
American Indian art sometimes gets lumped into a single category of paintings depicting life of past generations or pottery etched with Southwestern-style designs. Here & Now: Contemporary Native American Art of Oklahoma reveals the diverse media, subjects matter and imagery created by American Indian artists working today and here. The juried exhibition opens Friday, Nov. 7, from 6 to 9 p.m. at 108 Contemporary, 108 E. Brady St., in Tulsa. The show will present the imaginative sculptures of Holly Wilson (Delaware/Cherokee), the pattern-rich multimedia pieces of Anita Fields (Osage) and pieces from other such well-known artists as Shan Goshorn (Eastern Band Cherokee), Molly Murphy Adams (Oglala Lakota), Tony Tiger (Sac & Fox/Muscogee) and Margaret Wheeler (Choctaw/Chickasaw). Here & Now continues through Jan. 18. For more, go to www.108contemporary.org.