Opens Friday, March 14
Who knows the number of young people who have been part of the Oklahoma Youth Expo since it first passed out ribbons for best in show in 1915? Such longevity leads to family traditions, lasting even into the 21st century for a state that is still largely agricultural. So, it’s no wonder that the Oklahoma Youth Expo is the largest youth livestock exhibition show in the world. Another year of record-breaking participation and attendance is anticipated when the 2014 expo begins Friday, March 14. Students from all over the state bring their livestock – and perseverance, dedication and hard work – to Oklahoma State Fair Park, 3001 General Pershing Blvd., Oklahoma City, to compete for championship placing and a chance to sell their sheep, cattle, goats and pigs to prospective buyers looking for quality. It’s one big step toward the “grown-up world,” but without giving up the fun. Check out the OYE Western Art Show, too. The expo concludes March 21. For more, visit www.okyouthexpo.com.
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