The weekend
You don’t need to speak Greek to enjoy everything the Greek culture has to offer. Nor do you have to travel far. Tulsa and Oklahoma City bring the history, culture and food of a great tradition to a Greek Orthodox church near you this weekend with all the baklava you could possible want. Tulsa Greek Festival is back from Thursday, Sept. 19-Saturday, Sept. 21, at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, 1206 S. Guthrie Ave. Oklahoma City celebrates, too, with Greek Fest OKC, Friday, Sept. 20-Sunday, Sept. 22, at St. George Greek Orthodox Church, 2101 N.W. 145th St.
Both festivals are among the oldest ethnic fairs in their respective cities, and they both feature the music, dance, foods and expression of Oklahoma’s Greek communities. Tulsa Greek Festival opens daily at 11 a.m. and closes at 9 p.m. on Thursday and at 10 p.m. the remainder. Tickets are $3 (children 12 and under admitted free if accompanied by a parent). See the schedule and menu at Greek Fest OKC is open 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Friday and Saturday and from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday. Admission is $3, but if you want to eat at the Parthenon Kitchen, check out to get advance tickets for $14 (which includes admission and a dinner).