According to Shane Lewis, the key to packing smartly is organization and not overpacking.

“It’s all in the technique,” Lewis, president of Elephant Trunk Co., explains. “The key when you’re packing is to organize a bag so that when you arrive your (clothing) looks presentable.”

Lewis offers weekly seminars at Elephant Trunk on how to pack for travel. He also gives these tips on how to pack carry-ons so that your next flight is as smooth as possible.

Carry on anything that turns on, tunes in and plugs in. This includes cell phones and chargers, iPods, iPads, laptops and any portable gaming or entertainment device.

Baggies are your friend. Lewis suggests sorting carry-on contents into separate baggies: a baggie for liquids (that would include shampoo and conditioner, bed bug spray and wrinkle remover) and a baggie for non-liquids (cotton swabs, a lint brush, medication).

BYOB. Once germs enter an airplane, they don’t leave. This is why Lewis suggests carrying on portable pillows and blankets that you can wash after each travel; this cuts down on exposure to foreign germs.

Be prepared. Lewis carries a portable coat hanger, toilet paper, a small flashlight, an empty water bottle, travel sheets, ear plugs and a hand-held fan in his tote, just in case.

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