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Back row: Polly Nichols, Sally Starling; front row: Mary Nichols and great-granddaughters; Legacy & Legends Celebration, Junior League of Oklahoma City, OKC

Isaac & Lindsey Helmerich, Peter Madden, Meredith Siegfried Madden, Lucky Lamons; St. John Street Party preparations, St. John, Tulsa

Barry & Becky Switzer, Monica Basu, Todd Brown; Carnivale, Mental Health Association Oklahoma, Tulsa

Mike Turpen, Marnie Taylor; Oklahoma Conference on Nonprofit Law & Finance; Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits, OKC

Matt Roberts, Will Hill, Tim Tingle, Mark Wilson; Festival of Words, Tulsa City-County Library, Tulsa

Gene Rainbolt, Charlotte Lankard, Kim & David Rainbolt; Distinguished Citizens' Award Dinner, Boy Scouts of America, OKC

Joe & Lucia O’Connor, Kevin Sartorius, Kathy Craft, Rochelle & John Dowdell; Cooking Up Compassion, Catholic Charities, Tulsa

Morris R. Gessouroun, Christy Everest, Enes Kanter, William H. Meyer, Jim Everest; Jimmy Everest Cancer Center visit, Children's Hospital Foundation, OKC

Patrick Keegan, Becky Dixon, Michelle Nicole & Heath Evans; Women of the Year Pinnacle Awards Patron Party, YWCA, Tulsa

Rand & Jeanette Elliot, Deborah McAuliffe Senner, James Pickel; Honorary Chair event, Allied Arts, OKC

Ellen Spiropoulos, Ashley Howard, Lisa Synar; Annual Distinguished Service Awards Luncheon, OKC Beautiful, OKC

Aaron McRee, Ann Felton Gilliland; Habitat for Humanity Global Conference, Habitat for Humanity, OKC

Lynne & Joe Moore, Robert & Linda Reins; Oysters and Ale Patron Party, Hospice of Green Country, Tulsa