A new exhibition entitled Sacred Words: The Saint John’s Bible and the Art of Illumination will come to the Oklahoma City Musuem of Art from Oct. 15 through Jan. 8.
“Sacred Words centers around illumination: essentially decorated or illustrated manuscripts that traditionally utilized gold or silver,” says Becky Weintz, director of marketing for the OKCMOA. “The centerpiece of the exhibition is 70 folios from the Saint John’s Bible.”
The exhibition will display other religious texts, with illuminated manuscripts from the Book of Hours, Quran and Torah scrolls. The manuscripts have been translated to English to remain accessible while keeping many of the characteristics of their medieval predecessors.
“The rich tradition of creating illuminated manuscripts makes for a fascinating exhibition that we felt would be well received by the community here in OKC,” Weintz says. “We think people will be surprised by the intricacy, depth, and beauty of these works in person.”
For details on this exhibition, visit okcmoa.com.