Friday, Feb. 6 – Sunday, Feb.15 –
A stage will transform into the infamous Lorraine Motel, where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was fatally shot while on his balcony in 1968. Audiences will be captivated by this re-imaging of his final hours. A knock at the door will open the night to an unexpected visitor, who causes contemplation and concern to unravel King’s mind. The Mountaintop, winner of the Olivier Award for Best New Play, is “a spiritual march through the soul of a great man and the heart of a changing nation.” This play has graced stages in London and Broadway and will travel through Oklahoma City with a stretch at the Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall. Written by Katori Hall, The Mountaintop includes some adult themes and is directed for mature audiences. From Feb. 6 thru Feb. 15, you can see this play during 7:30 p.m. evening performances and 1:30 p.m. matinees. For more information, visit www.cityrep.com.