The love story of Frances “Baby” Houseman and Johnny Castle in Dirty Dancing remains a cinematic staple in today’s culture. For those wishing to relive this story of love, life and dance, visit the PAC in April to see Oklahoma’s premiere of Dirty Dancing – the Classic Story on Stage, brought to Tulsa by Celebrity Attractions.
Often, stage adaptations lose critical plot points or lines that make the movie so special, but Kristin Dotson, vice president of Celebrity Attractions, says this isn’t the case with Dirty Dancing.
“I was able to preview this production in Dallas and have to say it stays very true to the movie,” she says. “The producers respected the formula and maintained the integrity of the story, the music and the dancing.”
But you won’t just take in a scene-for-scene remake of the film because experiencing this type of chemistry-laden dancing and acting live has a visceral effect on viewers.
“I was so surprised at how the audience had such an emotional reaction to the choreography. We often see patrons have a connection to the story or to the music, but for Dirty Dancing there was a palpable reaction to the iconic dance moves from the movie,” Dotson says. “It was exciting to experience.”
Dotson recommends this show for a date night or girls’ night out, but any and all fans of dance, the original movie or Broadway itself will love the show.
Dirty Dancing runs April 11-16. Visit celebrityattractions.com for tickets.