[dropcap]For[/dropcap] those with a love for all things aviation, the World’s Oldest Free Fly-In & Air Show takes place Nov. 12 in Fairview. During the fly-in, pilots across Oklahoma and beyond land at Fairview Municipal Airport to watch a breathtaking air show. And for those without the luxury of a personal aircraft, feel free to drive in.
“We have had up to 305 airplanes fly in, but now we average about 100 to 160 airplanes and approximately 1,500 drive-ins,” says Teresa Regier, owner of Regier Flying Service LLC.
As a show that has “world’s oldest” in its title, the Fairview Fly-In has a rich history with iconic performances from world-renowned pilots.
“We have had numerous big name performers through the years, like Harold Krier, Gene Soucy, Jim Franklin and Bobby Younkin.”
Beyond the air show, parachute jumpers and fly-in, another perk (and quirk) for pilots is a free turkey awarded to every 10th aircraft to land at the airport.
“You would be surprised at how many will fly in just to try and get a free turkey.”
The fly-in will begin at 7 a.m., and the air show will begin at 12:30 p.m. For a full schedule, visit regierflyingservicellc.com.