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Winning Skin

Skin perfecting procedures.

You, Only Better

Cosmetic surgery and other procedures designed to improve one’s outward appearance continue to gain in popularity.

Simply Healthy

In February, we shower our significant others with candy, specifically chocolate. While appreciated and ultimately devoured, it may not be the healthiest gift, right? Actually,...

Oklahoma Private School Guide

The end of the school year is months away, yet families are already looking into the future and at private school choices. Oklahoma Magazine makes...

Toddy For The Body

Before today’s era of erecting protective bubbles around children, many youth’s first experience with alcohol in decades past was imbibing a hot toddy when ill...

Senior Health

 Men of a Certain Age  Eat Your Way Healthy

What We're Eating

Kabob Platter Kabob-n-Curry When most Americans think of kebabs, we envision skewers of grilled chicken or beef interspersed with mushrooms, onions and other vegetables. Though...

Blind Faith

Bliss Morris got to the top without failure ever occurring to her.