Brian Schwartz
A Food Lover’s Guide to Oklahoma
By Brian Schwartz and Amanda Simcoe Veal chops Polo Grill, Tulsa This rich, hearty dish with asparagus risotto and mushrooms satisfies with its lovely balance...
The Next Bright Chapter
Ruth Young ran Tulsa’s legendary lunch spot Queenie’s for almost forty years, but if you ask her if she recalls any interesting anecdotes about her...
Food Trucks
and Fine Dining
Just as you enter Tulsa’s Prossimo Ristorante from Cherry Street, you’ll pass a lounge with pink, upholstered sofas and chairs. Before the dinner rush one...
Sweet Serendipity
An amalgam of events aligned to create the bustling Vintage Wine Bar in downtown Tulsa. A brilliant high school physics teacher, Colin Sato, put his...
Still Having Fun
In May 2012, 28 world leaders flew to Chicago to attend the NATO Summit. The organizers gave the job of feeding the heads of state...
A Taste of Venice
Thirty miles west of Venice, Italy, is an enormous palace built hundreds of years ago. It’s a castle so grand that monarchs from all over...
All Roads Lead to Service
Somewhere along one of Tulsa’s busiest avenues is a little gate; hundreds of cars zip by it every day without noticing the home hidden there....
Heeding the Call to Serve
The line of cars started just beyond Tulsa’s Garnett Road. It was a balmy Tuesday in early April, and Jeff Marlow couldn’t figure out why...
A Taste of Home
Shadi Afshar came from a long line of powerful women, all of whom shared a love of food. Growing up in Tehran, Iran, Afshar cooked...