
Tulsa Ballet presents: Swan Lake
March 24-26 – Tulsa PAC From tulsaballet.org: The classic ballet returns to Tulsa for the first time in six years. Odette, a young maiden trapped...

Jerusalem String Quartet (OKC)
March 23 – Armstrong Auditorium From armstrongauditorium.org: Since its debut nearly twenty years ago, the Jerusalem Quartet has established itself as an ensemble with immense...

OKC Phil presents: Classics 7
March 25 – OKC Civic Center Music Hall From okcphil.org: Guest conductor Vladimir Kulenovic was recently designated Chicagoan of the Year in Classical Music by...

Momentum (OKC)
March 24-25 – Plaza District, OKC From ovac-ok.org: The Momentum exhibition works with Oklahoma artists ages 30 and younger in a venue created specifically for...

Brad Paisley (Thackerville)
Brad Paisley – March 24 – Winstar World Casino From winstarworldcasino.com: Brad Paisley is a critically acclaimed singer, songwriter, guitarist and entertainer whose talents have...

Walkin’ On Chalk Festival (Altus)
March 26 – Downtown Altus Walk down Main Street in Altus and observe beautifully crafted chalk art on sidewalks and banners by local artists ranging...

Motown the Musical (Tulsa)
March 14-19 – Tulsa PAC From celebrityattractions.com: Motown the Musical is the true American dream story of Motown Records founder Berry Gordy and his journey...

NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball (Tulsa)
March 17-19 – BOK Center Come and experience March Madness at the BOK Center this weekend. Games will be going on Friday through Sunday as...

Sesame Street Live: Elmo Makes Music (Tulsa)
March 18-19 – Cox Business Center From coxcentertulsa.com: Sesame Street Live: Elmo Makes Music is coming to Tulsa March 18-19 at Cox Business Center. When...

OPtHA Premier Pinto Classic (Tulsa)
March 18-19 – Expo Square From oklahomapinto.com: The OPtHA charter held its first horse show in 1959. Its purpose is to promote and encourage the...