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American Buckskin World Championship Show

July 19 thru July 23 – Tulsa Expo Square From, the American Buckskin Registry Association is holding the annual World Championship Show at Tulsa...

Super Chevy Show

July 22 – 23 – Tulsa Raceway Park From, the original Super Chevy Show is back! This series is the premier destination for all...

Eskimo Joe’s 41st Anniversary Celebration

July 18 thru July 24 – Eskimo Joe’s in Stillwater From Eskimo Joe’s anniversary celebrations are legendary! Thousands and thousands of patrons have participated,...

Oklahoma Documentaries Come Home with Heartland Emmys

[dropcap]Two[/dropcap] Oklahoma documentaries were awarded with Heartland Emmys last weekend in Denver. Boomtown: An American Journey won in the Best Historical Documentary category and Osiyo,...

Oklahoma Shakespeare in the Park: Scenes From An Execution

From Howard Barker’s Scenes from an Execution makes sixteenth-century Venice the setting for a fearless and humorous exploration of sexual politics and the timeless tension between...

Modest Mouse at BOK Center

From Critically acclaimed rock bands Modest Mouse and Brand New have announced plans for a co-headlining tour throughout the U.S. this summer. They will...

42 Street at the Tulsa PAC

July 19-21 at 7:30 p.m., July 22 at 8 p.m., July 23 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m., July 24 at 2 p.m. and 7...

The Wizard of Oz

Thru Sat, Jul 16 at Civic Center Music Hall From An ASL interpreter is available for the Saturday Matinee performance of The Wizard of...

Greater Oklahoma Hunter Jumper Show

Thru Sun., July 17 at Oklahoma State Fair Park From Come see riders show off their equestrian skills at the Greater Oklahoma Hunter Jumper...

Tokyo in Tulsa

Thru Sun., July 17 at Cox Business Center in Tulsa