
Tulsa Comic Expo
Fri., May 27 thru May 29th at Cox Business Center in Tulsa From tulsacomicsexpo.com: Tulsa Comic Expo is the regions go to Comic Con for all...

Mayor’s Red Dirt Ball
Fri., May 27 thru May 29 at the Town Center MainStage in Medicine Park From travelok.com: The Mayor’s Red Dirt Ball in Medicine Park brings out some...

Paseo Arts Festival
Fri., May 27 thru Mon., 30 in the Paseo Arts District in OKC From visitokc.com: The 40th Annual Paseo Arts Festival will take place once...

Tulsa International Mayfest
Thurs., May 19 thru Sun., May 21 in downtown Tulsa From travelok.com: Tulsa International Mayfest is an outdoor tribute to the arts and music in...

Blue Dome Arts Festival
Thurs., May 19 thru Sun., May 21 in downtown Tulsa From bluedomearts.org: For 13 years, the Blue Dome Arts Festival has supported local artists who...

Air Supply
Fri., May 20 at the Grand Casino Hotel and Resort From grandboxoffice.com: Graham Russell & Russell Hitchcock met on May 12, 1975, the first day...

Bye Bye Birdy
Thurs., May 19 thru Sat., May 21 at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center From tulsapac.com: Presented by Theatre Tulsa Family. A satire of American society...

Perpetual Motion Dance Company Presents: Wanderlust
Fri., May 20 at the Oklahoma Contemporary Arts Center From perpetualmotiondance.org: Perpetual Motion Dance presents its 14th original concert of contemporary and aerial dance entitled...

The Beach Boys
Sat., May 21 at the OKC Civic Center Music Hall From okcciviccenter.org: America’s Band, The Beach Boys, featuring Mike Love and Bruce Johnston, will make...