Everyone knows the tale of Ebenezer Scrooge – the greedy shut-in who, after several visits from celestial prophets, transforms into a philanthropic and beloved patriarch in Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. The story will come to Oklahoma City’s Lyric Theatre for its sixth year running this holiday season.
“A Christmas Carol stands the test of time as the greatest holiday story in the modern English language,” says Michael Baron, the producing artistic director at Lyric Theatre. “The power and joy that this production shares is evident in the thousands of families that attend each year.”
The show will bring many beloved Oklahoma actors to the stage, including Broadway’s Dirk Lumbard as Scrooge.
“[Lumbard] played Fagin in Lyric’s production of Oliver! a few years ago, and he’s the perfect actor to take Scrooge’s journey from greed to redemption,” says Baron.
New to the set this year are technical advancements like a revolving stage, flying ghosts and other theatrical tricks that will enhance the experience for viewers. But the core of the production – the ideas of personal growth and new beginnings – remains the same.
“We take this show to heart and know how important this story is to the community,” says Baron. “I believe in the story of Scrooge’s redemption and look forward each year to sharing it with audiences.”
The show will run Nov. 30 through Dec. 24. For details and tickets information, head to lyrictheatreokc.com.