Friday, Feb. 27 –
A part of Broken Arrow Performing Arts Center’s UPCLOSE Concert Series, classical, worldly pianist Eunju Chang will give an intimate performance on Friday, Feb. 27, beginning at 7:30 p.m. An extremely talented musician, Chang has spent her whole life studying and playing piano. Her journey began as young as 4-years-old, and her education includes a Bachelor of Music degree from Kyung Hee University in Seoul, South Korea and graduate studies at the Pescara Conservatorium in Rome, where she completed the Pescara 10-year diploma program for music and piano studies in less than eight years. World-renowned musicians including Elsabetta Capurso, Marcella Crudeli and Maestosi Lear served as mentors to Chang throughout her program at Pescara. Now, she’ll spend an evening playing the keys in downtown Broken Arrow, 701 S. Main St. Tickets for the show are $20 and are available online at www.brokenarrowpac.com.