American Quarter Horse Association: World Youth Quartershow Aug. 5-13 Oklahoma State Fairgrounds
The Built Ford Tough American Quarter Horse Youth Association World Championship Show is coming to Oklahoma City this August. This competition is the world’s largest single-breed world championship horse show open exclusively to youth exhibitors age 18 and under.
“This is the pinnacle event for youth competitors around the world, who must qualify for the event by earning a predetermined number of points to secure a spot in each of the classes,” says Sarah Davisson, the publicity and special events liaison for the American Quarter Horse Association.
Although the competition is set in Oklahoma City, entrants will be coming to compete from several countries.
“More than 760 youth from around the globe will compete for 35 world championships at this year’s event,” says Davisson.
This event will take place from Aug. 5 though 13 at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds. For more information on the 2016 Ford Youth World, visit aqha.com/youthworld.