Few foods are more delicious than a perfectly poached egg. Whether part of an elegant brunch or over toast when you’re sick, poached eggs are so easy to prepare, there’s no reason to save them for special occasions. However, sometimes even the easiest tasks can seem daunting. While simple, there is some technique involved to get perfect results every time. Chef Trevor Tack from R Bar and Grill on Brookside offers tips to make this task a little less menacing.

For starters, use the freshest eggs possible. To perfectly poach those eggs, fill a saucepan with cool water. Next, bring the water to a bare simmer. Tack says that the water is ready when the tiny bubbles resemble those in Champagne. If the water is boiling too vigorously, the egg will be torn apart.

Before adding the egg to the water, add a couple of tablespoons of white vinegar. According to Tack, this step helps the white coagulate quickly.

Next, swirl the water with a spoon to create a whirlpool effect. This will result in a more uniform shape. When adding the egg, either pour it from a small bowl or crack it directly into the water. Once the egg has cooked for three or four minutes and the white is set, remove with a slotted spoon and serve as desired.

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