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Jessica Yoon, Rania Nasreddine and Alice and Jim Costas prepare for Up With Tree's Green Leaf Gala, Nov. 5, Tulsa.

Wendy Drummond, Cathy Keating and Judy Hatfield planning the Annie Oakley Society Luncheon and Awards on Oct. 13, OKC.

Cathryn Render, Tom Hemphill, Jim Halsey and Minisa Crumbo plan for Global Vision Awards, Aug. 18 at the Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame, Tulsa.

James Medill, Lynn Jones, Phyllis and George Dotson, Ashley Griffen, Tammy Hern, McDazzle Ball benefitting Ronald McDonald House, Tulsa.

Mike Vegher, Shannon Habermehl, Tom Taylor and Mary Ellen Evans-Opstein at the patron party for Kaleidoscope Ball, Emergency Infant Services, Sept. 9, Tulsa.

Michael Eastmond, Biff Horrocks and Susan Adams at 2016 Red Shoe Gala benefitting Ronald McDonald House Charities.

Jobin Mathai, Naicil Mathai, Ronald McDonald, Jolly Varghese and Denny Varghese, 2016 Red Shoe Gala benefitting Ronald McDonald House, OKC.

Rebekah Tennis and Raj Basu are co-chairs for the 2017 Red Ribbon Gala benefitting Tulsa Cares. The event will be held march 4, 2017, at the Cox Business Center in Tulsa.