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Finance: Investing 101

Investment Resources Among the variety of resources for first-time investors are banks, brokers, investment advisors, financial planners and websites such as NerdWallet or investor.gov.  Another resource is your employer. Liu Liu, director of investment research and management at BOK Financial, says that often, employers provide retirement plans, which include a retirement calculator that helps keep on track with saving goals. Also,...

Getting Money Motivated

Smart Financial Moves Every generation, from Gen Z to the baby boomers, have some savvy financial maneuvers at their disposal to potentially reap major rewards in the future.   Sean Kouplen, chairman and CEO of Tulsa-based Regent Bank, says that “for these generations, the key is to pay down debt and diversify your investments.  I always recommend six months of income...

A Different Kind of Literate

Most of us like to think we are financially literate, but there’s always room to learn. If you think setting up a budget should be your initial course of action, you could already be a step behind. Instead, the first questions to ask yourself are: why do I want a budget, and what do I want it to accomplish...

Ensuring Financial Security

Living in a digital age means that most of the time, life is more convenient. Despite the ease, many don’t consider how the rise in digitization has, in some ways, compromised financial security.  Kathrynn Cavanaugh with The First State Bank in Oklahoma City offers a few easy-to-utilize tips to keep your money secure. “Always shop or make purchases from a trusted...

Finance 101

Green by the Generation People who have saved and invested all their lives often find that retirement presents a new challenge, says Andy Nelson, a senior financial consultant at the Oklahoma City branch of Charles Schwab.  “All they know is how to put money away; they don’t know how to take money out,” he says, mentioning that many of his clients...