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Tag: NSU

Fostering Success for Collegiate Athletes

Creating Camaraderie A team on the field needs to be a team off the field, too, so coaches and support staff work to ensure athletes have a sense of camaraderie ‘round the clock.  Don Tomkalski, University of Tulsa’s senior associate athletic director for communications, says that “it starts with recruiting good people and creating a family-type atmosphere within the team framework....

Back to (New) Normal

Getting Back intothe Swing of Things For many institutions, like the University of Tulsa and the University of Oklahoma, this fall marks a full return to in-person learning and campus activities.   “In May 2020, after two months of online instruction and remote work, the university began its phased return to normal operations,” says David A. Surratt, Ed.D., OU’s vice president of...

A Musical Testament to Steinbeck

Unlike a lot of his fellow Oklahomans, drummer, composer and music teacher Jared Johnson didn’t encounter John Steinbeck’s masterwork, The Grapes of Wrath, during his high school or college years because he wasn’t assigned to read it. He discovered it all on his own.  Maybe that’s part of why it had such an effect on him.  “I was probably in my...