This month’s most important day is approaching rapidly – May 13. Have you decided how to honor the most important woman in your life?

Mothers want to know that they are appreciated, whether it’s their first Mother’s Day or their 51st. It’s a special time to celebrate the women in our lives who nurtured us, kissed our boo-boos, filled our bellies with food and kissed away our tears.

We love the women who cheered for us from the sidelines and went without sleep while we suffered through childhood illnesses. We value all they have done for us, and we have a national holiday to prove it. Put some serious thought into what to do for Mother’s Day, and let us help you with some great ideas.

If you have small children who want to help treat Mom, let them create something special or homemade for her. She will cherish it forever.

But don’t stop there – she needs to be pampered, too. A spa day, with or without you by her side, a cruise, a day at the beach, or an impromptu shopping spree at her favorite store is a good start. Take her out for a fine dining experience, and if you’re going to go all out with a gift, make it something that lasts. A mother’s love is forever … just like diamonds. Buy her some.

If you still need ideas, turn the page to see some of Oklahoma’s finest retailers. They can help, too.

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