Carol Mowdy Bond

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  • Carol Mowdy Bond


(Studying) A Bug’s Life

You may think of bugs as a nuisance – but they provide the world with $70 billion in services and account for 85% of Earth’s...

A Tribute to Unsung Heroes

Did you know that Oklahoma City is home to one of the nation’s largest firefighter museums? Located east of the OKC Zoo in the Adventure...

Brimming with Stories

Cataloging archeological and historic properties significant in our nation’s history, the National Park Service’s (NPS) National Register of Historic Places (NR) includes over 97,000 listings....

A Canyon For All

Five miles south of I-40 on US-281, the Oklahoma prairie yawns open, revealing a canyon near Hinton. The chasm, made of orange-brown, cross-bedded, fine-grained sandstone,...

Birds of a Feather

“We’re a donation-based museum,” says Lauren Gandara, who greets people at the American Pigeon Museum and Library (APM&L). “There’s no entry fee. So people can...

A Sharp Set of Skills

“I’m drawn to the frontier style because of the materials I get to use,” explains bladesmith and SDS Knifeworks owner Shawn Shropshire. “The patina. The...

Community Effort Pays Off

Reaching skyward from the Canadian County prairie, Piedmont’s first two-story brick building houses the Piedmont Historical Society Museum. The structure was built in 1917 as...

Remembering the Railways

As trolley cars that ran on rails, early 20th century interurban cars often carried about 60 people. These cars were cleaner than railroad compartments because...

Living the American Dream

If his claim to fame is any indication, Mike Hearne must be a native Oklahoman … but his accent reveals otherwise. Born and raised in...

Sculpting the Unexpected

Sculptor LaQuincey Reed’s passion swirls around art as it intertwines with history. He gravitates toward creations “of things people don’t know a lot about. I...