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All Genres Welcome

The revered OK Mozart Festival has hosted some of the country’s greatest classical musicians, but this year the event will branch out to accommodate music...

Red Earth Returns

Oklahoma is home to 39 sovereign tribal nations, and the Red Earth Festival strives to honor each of their unique histories and cultures during its...

Portraiture for a New Republic

A common problem in American museums is the lack of portraiture containing people of color. It’s even rarer when these works are created by people...

BOK Thrives

The BOK Center is on a hot streak: In the most recent Pollstar Top 200 Arena Venues based on ticket sales, it ranked No. 11...

St. John Street Party

Come and enjoy Tulsa’s favorite summer fundraiser at the St. John Street Party on June 3. The event offers food tastings from restaurants, food trucks,...

Random Flavors

A German Gem Fassler Hall boasts a menu full of German delights like bratwurst and chicken schnitzel, but the restaurant is more than a one-hit...

Forward March: Veterans Transcending Life’s Changes with Glass (Tulsa)

May 25-June 25 – AHHA Tulsa –  From Forward March: Veterans Transcending Life’s Changes with Glass exhibits artwork by the Tulsa Glassblowing School’s military...

Route 66 PatriotFest (Tulsa)

May 27 – 3400 Southwest Blvd., Tulsa –  From On Memorial Day weekend, southwest Tulsa, the birthplace of Route 66, will be jam-packed with...

Ruffles and Rust Expo (Claremore)

  May 27 – Claremore Expo Center –  From It’s an upscale boutique show with a small town feel. The Ruffles and Rust Expo...

Disney’s The Lion King (OKC)

Through May 28 – Civic Center Music Hall – From Disney’s The Lion King is returning to OKC. More than 85 million people around...