M.J. Van Deventer

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  • M.J. Van Deventer


Organized Transformation

Remodeling, renovation, renewal … whatever R-word you use to describe transforming any area of your home, the process is not easy. In Stillwater, I turned...

Modern Appeal

Working Smarter, Not Harder Advances have brought home technology into the mainstream. Here are some tips and devices to help streamline your home automation process. Welcome...

An Inviting Renovation

When an unknown architect designed a particular home in midtown Tulsa in 1957, he couldn’t have predicted it would go through a magnificent transformation 61...

Two-Story Modernity

What was once a property featuring a 1950s ranch-style home near Lewis Avenue and Utica Square has now assumed a modern persona, thanks to the...

An Architectural Tribute

Imagine working in a corporate environment specifically designed to be user-friendly for its employees. That was the precise challenge the designers at HSE Architects in...

Updated Vintage

Sometimes the biggest challenge for an interior designer is living up to client expectations. That was the mission for Tracy Huntington when a couple moved...

A Renewal for the Ages

After Dale Forrest bought a 1930s, Cotswold, England-style house in Tulsa’s historic Sunset Terrace district, he went home and told his wife, Amber, about his...

A Period of Transition

Kitchens and bathrooms have transformed from utilitarian to elaborate. Once cloistered away from a home’s living areas, the kitchen is now the family centerpiece. With...

A Home for Generations

Julia Kirkendall remembers when kitchens were hidden in the back of a house. “There was usually a swinging door into the dining room and food...

Clean and Simple

When Jill Croka was hired to design the interior for a new Tulsa residence, she chose simple materials – wood and stone – to bring...