In Oklahoma, the word “revival” is usually reserved for use with sermons and tents. This time, revival comes to the state’s stages as a musical touring its way to Broadway. Celebrity Attractions presents Jekyll & Hyde: the Musical this month at the Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall and the Tulsa Performing Arts Center. Starring American Idol’s Constantine Maroulis and R&B singer Deborah Cox, Jekyll & Hyde is the gutted and overhauled incarnation of the musical that debuted on Broadway in 1997 and ran for four years. This engagement (on tour since September) has brought the story out of a long sleep and given it new breath for a new audience in the tradition of a horror story with a meaty psychological nucleus. Plus, this Jekyll & Hyde looks decidedly sexier than the original if the promotional photos are anything to go by. Look for the play in Oklahoma City from Jan. 15-20 and in Tulsa from Jan. 22-27. For more, visit

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