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Excellence in Technology

Oklahoma is experiencing the rise of technology and software development companies, making the future bright ... and easier to navigate than in decades past.  Developer Kris Dillon founded StartupOKC – a community of passionate entrepreneurs who can help aspiring business owners – and Deep Fork Technology – a software company in OKC. He says that in the next 10 to...

The Wave of the Future

While virtual reality has been around for decades, it has only recently hit its stride in the entertainment realm. A closer look into the rise of the technology and the current and potential applications reveals that VR is here to stay. First, a quick, non-technical discussion of how VR works. Kevin Anderson, executive producer with Steelehouse Productions in Tulsa, explains...

Senior Savvy

The younger that people may be, the more likely we are to witness them posting selfies on Snapchat, sharing their latest meals on Instagram or issuing demands to Alexa that would make a dictator blush – or so many of us believe. In truth, mobile technology and social media have opened as many frontiers for older adults (if not more)...

High Tech and Common Sense

We are well into the high-pressure digital age and the interconnected global economy, and those realities have affected education and how students learn. However, some non-technological strategies still prevail as young people navigate their ways out of high school and college and into the workforce. We look at a handful of areas that illustrate these dichotomies – from virtual reality and...