Asher Gelzer-Govatos

Cinematically Spooky
At Home Sometimes unexpected films become a cultural tour de force. Though long respected among cinephiles, South Korean director Bong Joon-Ho crashed the American mainstream...

Pushing Through
As COVID continues to ebb and flow in the U.S., the film industry waits anxiously to measure the full impact. It’s hard to know when...

The Changing Film Landscape
Around Town It has been incredible and, frankly, heartening, to see the speed with which the Oklahoma film community has responded to the challenges of...

A Tentative Return to Normalcy
A dim light has appeared at the end of the tunnel. It looks like there is a tentative plan for movie theaters to start showing...

Alternatives to the Mainstream
At the time of this writing, America was trapped inside during the COVID-19 pandemic. With diligence, persistence and lots of luck, conditions might have improved...

Panning Oklahoma’s Film Landscape
Oklahoma on Film If there’s one popular concept that people from other states have learned about Oklahoma, it’s that the wind comes sweeping down our...

April’s a Mixed Bag
Around Town If you can’t get enough of Oklahoma City’s DeadCenter Film Festival and eagerly await its return in June, festival organizers have a little...

Marching to Columbia
Around Town Another March, another True/False Film Festival, and another round of cajoling you to go to Columbia, Missouri, to catch this unusual event. If...

Silence, Horror and Weirdness
Around Town Any time is appropriate to watch a silent film, but this month might be especially good to do so. Too few people have...

Fantasy Favorites Under the Stars
Around Town Last month, we highlighted some outdoor film screenings to attend. The weather is a little cooler this month, but it’s still not time...