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A Little Bit of Everything

One could argue that relatively small Elk City is the museum capital of the world. Yes, the District of Columbia has 80 facilities and Florence,...

Past, Personal Connections

Ironies abound with Oklahoma’s oldest continuously active military base and its longtime historian. Fort Sill, just north of Lawton, is the state’s only remaining post...

Sooner Ties to the Cosmos

The dual successes of one of America’s most renowned astrophysicists and science fiction writers are due, in part, to his undergraduate days at the University...

An Oklahoma Vision for 2049

A giant airport for conventional and hypersonic jets. A station for bullet trains or hyperloop pods. Launch pads for satellite delivery and space tourists. Stands...

Where Everything’s Just Brine

Whether you’re having a cup o’ joe at Maria’s Cafe, a cold one at the Cimarron Saloon or a look-see at the city museum, you...

A Tour of Higher Education

Oklahoma students speak about a liberal-arts education Often bypassed by thousands of aspiring seniors in Oklahoma high schools are small liberal-arts colleges nearby. While the...

Full of Surprises

Tucked between the Ouachita National Forest and the Arkansas River lies an old town with some unusually progressive elements. Poteau pitches itself as “Above the...

Beat the Heat

As the temperature rises this month and Oklahoma becomes its usual sticky mess, getting outside to relax or go on vacation may not seem like...

A Town Using Its Noodle

Pauls Valley might consider a slight change in its nickname – from Queen of the Washita River to Queen of Quirkiness. The town presents itself...