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The Many Colors of Cauliflower

[dropcap]Cauliflower[/dropcap], contrary to popular belief, isn’t just broccoli’s albino sibling. Did you know that this underrated vegetable comes in three other colors? Green, purple and...

Fall Into Fashion

Photography by Nathan Harmon. Hair styled by Shawna Burroughs, Jara Herron Salon. Makeup by Starla Harrison. Models from Linda Layman Agency. Special thanks to Main Event...

Always an Underdog

[dropcap]In[/dropcap] a league where the last player selected in the draft is called Mr. Irrelevant, undrafted free agents are considered long shots to even make...

Laugh Out Loud

[dropcap]Even[/dropcap] in the most serious of situations, Oklahomans love to laugh. Recall, if you will, the Tigernado phenomenon of 2015 or the passion with which...

Built to Last

[dropcap]It[/dropcap] wasn’t until William Graeber closed his interior design business and moved to Hawaii that he realized how much he wanted to build furniture. “The furniture...

Editor’s Letter

  [dropcap]As[/dropcap] we worked on our feature on the current comedy scene in Oklahoma (pg. 40), I kept thinking back to a conversation I had...