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Tasty Tidbits

Plant Serving food that “loves you back,” Plant is an all-day cafe with a variety of plant-based, gluten-, soy- and dairy-free, locally sourced goodies. The menu begins with the beverages, from freshly squeezed orange juice and chai lattes to boozy offerings like wine, champagne and sangria. Smoothies and smoothie bowls are another popular get, with a variety of add-ins to tempt,...
If you’re driving east on Tulsa’s 41st Street, you’ll see – in the middle of a not-particularly-memorable stretch of road just past Mingo – a gleaming building. Modern, trimmed with glass, wood and polished stone. That’s El Patron, and people drive from as far away as Texas just to dine here. David Aguilera, general manager of the restaurant, will tell...
In 1899, Waite Phillips left his family farm near Conway, Iowa, for a journey of adventure and exploration. He ended up in Tulsa, and while Conway’s population declined from 350 then to 17 today, Phillips found fame and fortune here. Barons On 1st, a fine dining restaurant downtown, is named to honor Waite and the other oil barons who changed...
While many say July is the hottest month of the year, it gets dangerously toasty in Oklahoma during August. Heat-related threats come in all shapes and sizes – ranging from dangers to your budget to your body. The pros weigh in on how to beat the heat in whatever way you need to.  Budgeting Tips Want to combat the August heat...
The accordion’s rhythmic melodies, including that sometimes oompah-pah jam, still resonate with music lovers of all genres. Its captivating sounds conjure up images of the Czech polka, the Polish mazurka, the Russian khorovod, the Norwegian Rheinlander, Mexican norteño and Latino-based mariachi.  Known globally, squeeze boxes come in numerous sizes and types, and some are electronic. As a bellows-driven family of...
The Peggy V. Helmerich Distinguished Author Award is given by the Tulsa Library Trust and Tulsa City-County Library. Its purpose is to give formal recognition to acclaimed authors who have written a distinguished body of work and made a major contribution to the field of literature and letters. Alongside the recognition, the honoree receives a $40,000 cash prize and...
Josh Partain at Stella Modern Italian Cuisine is a talented local chef contributing to the fabric of Oklahoma City’s thriving food culture. He was born in Oklahoma City and has worked diligently to get to his position today; diners are now consistently impressed with his innovative and delicious dishes. Although Partain was born in OKC, his culinary journey started in...
Hunting wild game has evolved from an ancient tradition to the formal process it is today, replete with licenses, formalized hunting seasons and more than one hundred legal hunt sites in Oklahoma alone. To be legal to hunt, licensing depends on the season, resident status and age of the hunter, says Kelly Adams, the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation’s communications...

Big Things Coming

Established the same year that Oklahoma became a state – 1907 – Blanchard has spent much of its existence serving as what some might call a “bedroom community,” i.e. somewhat isolated, yet within a few minutes’ reach of a major metro (in this case, Oklahoma City).   Lately, however, U.S. Census figures have borne out what is becoming most evident:...

Rob Ward

Rob Ward is the fifth president and second alumnus to serve the Oklahoma Arts Institute at Quartz Mountain, a private, non-profit organization with a mission to provide exceptional multidisciplinary arts experiences that develop individual talent and inspire a lifelong passion for the arts.  Originally from McAlester, Ward was a three-time chorus student with institute, in addition to serving an additional...