Jami Mattox

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  • Jami Mattox


The Predictor

David Andra is meteorologist in charge at the National Weather Service in Norman.


Not often does a burger incite food critics to dub it “a beautiful thing,” but that’s just what happened on Sept. 18, better known as...

Melt In Your Mouth

A Valentine’s Day tradition, chocolate enjoyed year round may offer health benefits.

Time To Reflect

Some have a love/hate relationship with mirrors: They do serve a function, but boy, sometimes we don’t like looking into them. However, there should be...

Juan del Fuego

Any college town worth its hash browns has a go-to breakfast place, preferably one that opens early enough to allow collegians that may or may...

The Fresh Market

You’ve just picked the kids up from their after-school activities, and the dog is waiting for you at the groomer. You need to drop off...

Faves: Gabriella’s Italian Grill

A warming, wood-fired oven, red-checkered tablecloths and a large variety of wine – stepping into Gabriella’s is like stepping into the kitchen of the Italian...

30 Days 30 Photos

Thirty Oklahoma photographers capture images that represent the state in 2012.

Christina Fallin

Business consultant, Oklahoma City Is there a fashion icon or someone whose style you admire most? I have a fondness for women who have fun...

The Christmas Spirit

Gerald Wells has been Santa for almost 30 years.